Stephen, Moira, Kenzie, Mitch

Friday, May 13, 2011


Searching for his roots, Perry returns to his childhood town, discovering saving others is truly a gift. His pursuit for belonging slowly leads him to reconnect with people in the town through history, quirkiness, and the straightforward pleasures of family. An example of a quirky character is Beagle whose eccentric behaviors highlight the peculiarity of the people that make this community distinctive and worth uncovering. Perry, also the author of Truck, grasps readers with his unique literary novel guiding us along his journey to help his fellow community members. Population: 485 is a refreshing mixture of condensed anecdotes touching on death and humor.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Lit Circle Chapter 12

Today, we discussed the relevance of certain stories, because some of the stories seemed irrelevant, however, upon further examination some of the stories were more important than we originally thought. Chapter twelve discussed the importance of finding yourself, and feeling comfortable with where you are from. We found it fitting that Perry, returned to his roots in New Auburn. Considering that individuals fall back to what they are used to and what they know.

Awsome Comics

Lit Circle Chapter 11

Friday we discussed Population: 485 with professor Krusack.  We discussed the chapter Oops and how it provides comedic relief for the reader.  We are currently working on our own side project of mapping out the chapters motifs.  This will help us to like all the ideas in the book together.  We also worked on improving the image of our blog.  On a side not we also discussed the Superhero image of a firefighter and how people expect anyone in a uniform to be perfect.  We found this classification to be unfair.

Awsome Movies

The author Michael Perry discusses one of his life experiences in Population: 485

Monday, May 2, 2011

Lit Circle Chapter 10

Today in class we discussed power struggles. Our group decided that there is not a power struggle in our book. We then  went on to talk about the book cover design, discussed the book with the summary and the discussion questions. In particular we talked about the reoccurring theme of death in this chapter and the book as a whole. We also planned some meetings outside of class to work on our project.